from the future home of
xml-weblog 1.0 is now complete, and ready for download! The source code can be downloaded below; it is covered by a four-clause BSD-style license.
Currently, there is no public CVS repository available, but I would appreciate any feedback, bug reports, corrections, etc. You can send them to me at: [email protected]
Features Implemented in version 1.0:
- MySQL storage & retrieval using a functional abstration layer
- XML intermediate (logical) document layout using php
- XML to XHTML 1.0/CSS2 transform using XSLT/PHP front-end
- default "xhtml_css2" style/theme
- single article view
- database image storage & retrieval using image.php and icon.php
- insert custom code inline into php code stored in the database using the custom <code> tag.
- administration page, using HTTP Basic authentication
- custom and generic administration forms
- jump-start installation using install/load_dbase.php script
- ready-to-go sample site included
- objects: left and right sidebars (blocks), articles, icons, images, messages, sites (configuration), topics, users
Planned for version 1.1:
- non-administrator user logon
- custom views/settings for users
- public/anonymous article submission